Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ahhhh… Autumn...

The crickle, crackling of leaves running along the pavement after they've been freed from their tree.
The cool, wet, morning air that greets you with the days first gusts.
The pumpkins that start to pop onto every stoop and ledge, 
welcoming fall festivities and hinting at holiday pies to come.

This season seems to bring with it such a sense of magic.  
Maybe it's the palpable anticipation of every child who hasn't yet lost their love, for make-believe, masks, and the chance at gobs of candy for free.  
Maybe it's the way we feel when we slip into that sweater… a little better for the wear after last year's use; 
it has the kind of softness that only comes from one too many washes and no-such-thing-as-too-many past nights snuggled up in the candle light.  

Autumn, the time of year for pictures in pumpkin patches.  
A time when e-mails fly and excitement builds as families try to coordinate gatherings with kin.
What a marvelous, magical time of year.  

The first whips of drizzling rain, inaudibly announcing the summer season's passing and autumn's new reign.  
Blades of grass dance and leaves giggle as winds usher out summer and help autumn move in.

Coats racks begin to brace knowing that their time is coming soon 
and maybe even the lint roller comes out to give your jacket a once over or two.

The back of your throat feels the chill as you inhale the evening air
and the way the smell of firewood starts to penetrate the breeze.  

This is such a wonderful time of year. 
And though I'm sad to see summer go, I am also happy that Autumn is here.

1 comment:

  1. Everything about this post is so YOU!! From thinking about last fall when we took pictures in the pumpkins to seeing you crazy with you lent roller! Miss you and excited to see you so soon!-natalie
